2007年12月27日 星期四

Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

By the time 2008 rolls around, the Johan Santana Rumor Mill will get cranked up again.

The latest bit of speculation is that Minnesota would accept a package of Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera and Jeff Marquez for their lefty ace. I’m sure that sounds acceptable to many fans.
關於交易的最新消息是,雙城可能會接受以Phil Hughes、Melky Cabrera和Jeff Marquez這三人的交易包裹來換取他們的王牌左投(山大王)。我知道這對於許多的球迷來說,聽起來是個可以接受的交易案。

But, for a second, look at the bigger picture. Are the Yankees developing their kids to play them or trade them?

Santana is terrific, no doubt about it. But adding him to the roster would cost $20 million a season plus a 40-percent luxury tax penalty. The Yankees will be paying for what Santana did in Minnesota.

Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season and will be 29 in March. He also has thrown 932 innings the last four seasons, counting the postseason. Sure, he could be terrific. Or he could be the next Mike Hampton. Nobody knows.
山大王可能會繼續有很棒的表現。但他上季的戰績15勝13敗,防禦率3.33,而且將在明年三月滿29歲。他在過去四個球季也投了932局,當中包含了季後賽。當然,他可能還是會很棒,但他也可能會是下一個Mike Hampton。又有誰知道呢?

Hughes and Cabrera are symbols of what Brian Cashman is trying to do with the Yankees. The organization did a great job of scouting, drafting and then developing Hughes into the best pitching prospect in the minors.

Cabrera is a guy they rushed to the majors in 2005, screwed up and then built back up into a player good enough to take a job away from Johnny Damon. He would have been cut or traded five years ago.

Trade these guys now and the message is pretty clear: The Yankees are only paying lip service to development. This isn’t trading a few B-level prospects for Bobby Abreu in July. This would be an old-school Yankees move.
如果現在將這些傢伙交易掉,那麼很明顯的可以看出:洋基對於培養新秀只是在玩表面功夫。這並不是為了Bobby Abreu而在七月交易了幾個B-level的新秀,而是洋基的老派作風。

It’s their money, not ours. But I sit there at the Stadium and listen. People cheer loudest for the players who came up in pinstripes. People respect A-Rod but they love Jeter. They wanted Clemens do well. They adored Andy Pettitte.

Cashman has somehow made it cool for Yankee fans to care about Jose Tabata even though 99 percent of them have no idea what he looks like.
現金人某種程度上讓洋基迷見識到了球團對Jose Tabata的重視,即使有百分之九十九的球迷根本不知道他到底長什麼樣。
Spend the money on draft picks, Dominican shortstops and Taiwanese pitchers. Go find kids in Korea, Australia, Venezuela and everywhere else. Hire more scouts and go see every junior college prospect in Texas. Go find the next Santana, don’t trade for the old one.

Let Santana go to the Mets or the Angels or better yet, let him stay in Minnesota where he belongs. If the Red Sox were serious, they would have done the deal weeks ago. They’re pushing chips around the table hoping somebody in Tampa will go all in so they can fold.

We’ve spent two years wondering how good Phil Hughes could be. Let’s find out.

News source:http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2007/12/27/yanks-should-say-no-thanks-for-santana/

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