2007年12月4日 星期二

Santana may be fading away for Yankees

Santana may be fading away for Yankees


The Johan Santana trade seems colder than hotter at this point. The Twins have acknowledged they’re not getting Ian Kennedy. But they’re holding out for better than what the Yankees are offering for the third player.

Johan Santana的交易案現在看起來是凶多吉少。Twins已經知道自己沒有辦法獲得Ian Kennedy,但是他們仍然拒絕妥協,除非Yankees能夠提供更好的第三個人選。(前兩個應該是Phil Hughes和Melky Cabrera)

Why the Yankees need to have an answer on this now is a mystery. But if Hank Steinbrenner sticks to his deadline, it looks like it’s not getting done.

為什麼Yankees必須現在就知道答案仍就是個謎,但是,假使Hank Steinbrenner堅持今晚就是他的截止日期,那麼事情看來依然尚未完成。

Brian Cashman said during our interview with him that a lot of trades are being discussed by the general managers, many that would come as a surprise. Pitching is the focus of most teams, particularly the Yankees.


It’s doubtful Baltimore would trade Erik Bedard within the division. But Danny Haren would come cheaper than Santana, presumably.

Baltimore會不會在會議期間交易Erik Bedard讓人感到懷疑,但是,Danny Haren大概會比Santana要來的便宜。

New source:http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2007/12/04/santana-may-be-fading-away-for-yankees/

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