2007年12月12日 星期三

Pettitte agrees to terms

Andy Pettitte was put back on the roster when he accepted arbitration last week. His contract is now official and the Yankees will have a conference call with the big lefty this morning.

Brian “Ask Hank” Cashman will not be doing the call, unfortunately.

Pettitte will pitch for $16 million in 2008. At some point, the Yankees will get around to admitting they have signed Mariano Rivera and Alex Rodriguez. We should hear about LaTroy Hawkins around the Super Bowl.
帥派在2008年的薪資將是1600萬美金。過不久,洋基大概就會宣佈他們已經正式簽下Mo和A-Rod了,而LaTroy Hawkins的合約則應該會在超級盃開打左右宣布。

Exchanged a few e-mails with Chien-Ming Wang yesterday and wrote today that he wants a multi-year deal with the Yankees.

It’s a mystery to me why the Yankees don’t sign players like Wang and Cano to long-term deals. The Indians have done that with their players and the Mets made team-friendly deals with Jose Reyes and David Wright.
洋基不肯給予小王和Cano這樣的球員一份長約這件事情對我來說一直是個謎。印地安人就曾這麼做過,梅子也給了Jose Reyes和David Wright一份長約。

But the Yankees wouldn’t do it for Derek Jeter, so they’re probably not doing it for Wang and Robinson Cano.

Finally, Japanese outfielder Kosuke Fukudome signed a four-year deal with the Cubs. The Yankees were never interested and it’s probably just as well. I’m trying to picture what John Sterling’s home-run call would be for him.
最後,來自日本的外野手Kosuke Fukudome(福留孝介)與小熊簽了一份四年的合約。洋基從來就沒有對他感興趣。我試著為John Sterling描述他播報全壘打的情況:
註:John Sterling是美國的體育播報員,負責在廣播當中播報紐約洋基隊的比賽實況。這裡有關於他的小檔案:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sterling_(sportscaster)

“It is high, it is deep … ”

I better stop there and keep my job. Just dropped a lot of money on Christmas presents.

News source :http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2007/12/12/pettitte-agrees-to-terms/

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