2007年12月14日 星期五

With Contract in Hand, Rodriguez Knocks Boras


Published: December 14, 2007

Alex Rodriguez’s decision to opt out of his contract partly upstaged the final game of the World Series. When Rodriguez’s 10-year, $275 million Yankees contract was finalized Thursday, it happened on another day of big news.

The release of the former Senator George J. Mitchell’s report on steroids coincided with the formal announcement of Rodriguez’s new deal, the richest in baseball history. Rodriguez agreed to the framework about a month ago, so his teleconference with reporters was anticlimactic.
A-Rod簽下棒球史上最昂貴合約的新聞與前參議員George J. Mitchell公佈禁藥調查報告的時間點恰好重疊。阿肉在一個月前就已經同意了合約大致的內容,所以他與記者們的電話採訪也是草草結束。

But it was illuminating. Rodriguez severely criticized his longtime agent, Scott Boras, for the handling of his opt-out, and blamed himself for nearly losing his chance to return to the Yankees.
但是令人興奮的是,阿肉為了選擇跳出合約這件事情嚴厲的批評了他長期的經紀人$cott Bora$,而且怪自己差點無法重回洋基隊的陣容當中。

“The whole thing was a mistake,” Rodriguez said. “It was a huge debacle. For me, it was very stressful. It was a very humbling experience. I knew what I wanted from Day 1. The mistake I made was I should have called Hank and Hal from the get-go, and I didn’t do that. I blame me.”

Rodriguez said Boras told him before he opted out that the Yankees had no interest in re-signing him. It was a curious claim because the day Boras exercised the opt-out, several newspapers reported the basic parameters of the offer the Yankees hoped to make. Rodriguez acknowledged he was puzzled by what he said Boras had told him.

“The whole thing didn’t feel right,” Rodriguez said, adding that several Yankees executives had told him they wanted him back. “I felt all along there was mutual interest and great respect from both ends. I always thought the negotiation was going to be simple and wasn’t going to take a lot of time. So when I was getting that information, it was very surprising and upsetting and hurtful.”

Reached by telephone yesterday, Boras offered no comment, saying that his conversations with Rodriguez would remain private. But Boras has not disputed the idea that Rodriguez reached out to Hank and Hal Steinbrenner without him, an action that was instrumental in making a deal.

Boras did help negotiate the bonus package that will push Rodriguez’s compensation to $314 million — including deferred money from his last contract — if he passes Barry Bonds’s career home run record. Rodriguez said he would retain Boras as his agent, but he said he had told Boras he was angry with him and did not offer him a strong endorsement.

“At the end of my deal, I’m going to be 42 years old; I don’t think there’s going to be any more baseball for me,” Rodriguez said. “At this point, it’s all academic.”

Rodriguez, 32, pointed out that he has known Boras half his life and said he appreciated what Boras had done for him. He said their policy had always been for Rodriguez to play and for Boras to negotiate, and neither interfered much with the other’s area of expertise.

This time, though, Rodriguez said he wished he had taken more control of the negotiation by speaking with the Steinbrenners before opting out, instead of after.

“I made mistakes,” Rodriguez said. “I mean, Scott works for me. So at the end of the day, when it comes to the World Series, when it comes to opting out, when it comes to all the big mistakes, I’ve got to look in the mirror and take that bullet. If I had to do it again, I would have called Hank from Day 1 and negotiated the contract myself.”

Rodriguez called Hank Steinbrenner, the Yankees’ senior vice president, a day or so after opting out, and their conversation was brief. Through an intermediary at Goldman Sachs, Rodriguez re-established a connection with Steinbrenner and soon returned to a team he said he never wanted to leave.
選擇跳出合約的幾天之後,阿肉打了通電話給洋基的資深副總裁Hank Steinbrenner,然而他們的談話很簡短。透過金融界大老的牽線之下,阿肉重新聯繫上了Steinbrenner家族,很快的重新回到了他從沒想要離開過的球隊當中。

“I’m as proud of that phone call as I am of my M.V.P. season,” Rodriguez said.

News source:http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/14/sports/baseball/14arod.html?_r=3&ref=baseball&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin

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