2007年12月9日 星期日

Vizcaino seeks his fortune

It was minor as transactions go. Luis Vizcaino declined the offer of arbitration from the Yankees yesterday. Instead of haggling over a one-year deal with the Yankees, he elected to remain a free agent.

The Viz is represented by Bean Stringfellow and if you’re an agent who represents relief pitchers, this is your lucky winter.
LV的經紀人是Bean Stringfellow,如果你是後援投手的經紀人,這將是一個幸運的冬天。

If Scott Linebrink (71 games, 70.1 innings, 68 hits, 25 walks, 50 strikeouts) got four years and $19 million. Vizcaino (77 games, 75.3 innings, 66 hits, 43 walks, 62 strikeouts in the AL East) has to be worth at least $3.75 million a year.
如果Scott Linebrink(去年出賽71場,投了70.1局,被打出68支安打,送出25次保送與50次的三振)可以得到4年1900萬的合約,那麼LV(去年出賽77場,投了75.3局,打擊出66支安打,送出43次保送與62次三振)至少可以獲的一年375萬美元的合約。

But we all know The Viz was abused last season. The 77 appearances were a career high and he had was called a “tired shoulder” at one point. You want to give him three years and $11 million?

The Yankees almost certainly need to sign or trade for a veteran innings-eater for their bullpen. You can’t count on Kyle Farnsworth and assorted kids. If it’s not The Viz, it’ll be LaTroy Hawkins, Ron Mahay or somebody else.
可以確定的是,洋基需要簽下或是交易來一個具有經驗且可以吃局數的投手以增添牛棚的戰力。你沒有辦法將放肆火或是一些年輕小將算在內。如果簽下的不是LV,那可能將會是LaTroy Hawkins、Ron Mahay或是某人。

Me? I let the Viz get his money elsewhere.

News source:http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2007/12/08/vizcaino-seeks-his-fortune/


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