The Dennis Rodman of the Yankees
By Tyler Kepner
Tags: Alfredo Aceves, Yankees
August 28, 2008, 11:59 amThe newest Yankee is reliever Alfredo Aceves, who will be the first Yankee ever to wear No. 91. And why did he choose it? For Dennis Rodman.
洋基的最新成員,中繼投手Alfredo Aceves是洋基隊史上第一位穿上91號球衣的球員,至於為什麼要選擇91號的球衣呢?答案是為了小蟲Dennis Rodman。
“When I was in high school, I used to watch basketball and the Chicago Bulls,” Aceves said this morning. “Dennis Rodman was one of the best players at that time. The way he played, he played a lot mentally. He made the other players get frustrated.”
But you’re not nuts, right, Alfredo?
“But I’m not nuts,” Aceves said, laughing.
「對,我不是個怪咖。」Aceves笑著說。The Yankees paid $450,000 to Aceves’ Mexican League team to sign him in February. At the same time, they also signed Manuel Banuelos, who is 4-1 with a 2.57 E.R.A. in the Gulf Coast League. “He’s a teenager, left-hander, very good,” General Manager Brian Cashman said.
洋基在二月,花了45萬美金向Aceves墨西哥聯盟的球隊簽下了他。同時間,他們也簽下了在Gulf Coast League有著四勝一敗,2.57投手防禦率的Manuel Banuelos。「他(Manuel Banuelos)是個年輕的左投手,相當不錯。」現金人說。
Aceves is here to provide bullpen depth, but he projects as a starter. He has made 23 starts this year in Class A Tampa, Class AA Trenton and Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, succeeding at every level with a fastball, curveball and changeup. Here’s the scouting report on him from June from Class AA catcher P.J. Pilittere.
Aceves現在用來增加牛棚的深度,但是他原本的計畫是當個先發投手。他今年在一A、二A和三A共有23場的先發,運用他的快速球、曲球和變速球,成功的升上了大聯盟。這裡有他自從六月份的球探報告:,資料來自與他在二A搭配的捕手P.J. Pilittere。
Give the Yankees credit for cobbling together a respectable bullpen from some surprising sources: Aceves (Mexican League), Edwar Ramirez (independent league), Jose Veras (minor league free agent) and Brian Bruney (minor league free agent) have all been success stories.
你必須要讚賞洋基能夠從一些地方找來幾位令人感到驚喜的球員填補牛棚的戰力,像是來自墨西哥聯盟的Aceves、來自獨立聯盟的Edwar Ramirez、小聯盟的自由球員Jose Veras和Brian Bruney,這些球員的表現都相當不賴。
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