2008年1月9日 星期三

More trouble for McNamee

A St. Petersburg, Fla., police detective wrote in a report that Brian McNamee lied to him during the investigation of a possible rape in 2001. Here’s the AP story.

As days pass, it becomes harder to believe McNamee. There is documented evidence that he lied to reporters over the years. He has contradicted himself on other occasions and now apparently he lied to police.

McNamee lied to reporters. McNamee lied to the cops. But he told the truth to George Mitchell?

A friend asked me this question today: Is it possible McNamee injected Roger Clemens with steroids but told him they were painkillers or B-12? McNamee was a nobody until he started training Clemens. Might he have been so desperate to keep his job that he resorted to steroids to give Clemens a false sense of accomplishment?

News source:http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2008/01/08/more-trouble-for-mcnamee/


如果有看過我貼在blog上面的這篇新聞的話:McNamee Opens Up in an Interview,他在裡面說了一句讓我覺得值得玩味的話:“He might actually believe that he’s telling the truth,” McNamee said.當中的"he"當然指的是老克,也就是說,他說老克可能真的相信他說的都是實話,也就是指老克說他從來沒有使用過禁藥這件事情。


3 意見:

minidans54 提到...

thx for your reading my opinion

總是藍 提到...



如果你有看我之前對於這幾篇相關報導的心得的話,你應該知道我也是希望老克是沒有使用禁藥的。只是,當我們內心深處希望老克是清白的同時,我們就無法真正很客觀的去看待這件事情。就像我搞不懂為什麼McNamee要陷害老克一樣 XD

至於我提出的這些觀點,都只是我個人的臆測,我只是想要試著用各種不同的角度去猜測整件事情的始末,當然也歡迎大家一起來討論。也很高興你能夠提出你的意見與想法 :)

匿名 提到...

It's obvious who is the cheater now. He not only cheat on baseball but also want to make it even uglier by cheating REPEATEDLY!!! Shame on Roger!!! As well as all those fucking cheaters who are still hiding and think that they can get away!!!
It is just so OUTRAGEOUS for we who LOVE the game...